Course Structure
The flagship 5 year BS-MS program of the Institute has undergone revision to align with the tenets of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The curriculum implements a choice-based credit system and enables students to exit the program at multiple exit points with relevant qualifications, subject to satisfying the minimum credit and grade point requirements. The interdisciplinary curriculum integrates foundational and advanced courses in basic and applied sciences, complemented by offerings in skills enhancement and opportunities for the cultivation of soft skills. These features contribute to the all-round development of students at the Institute with ample opportunities for engineering one's own learning experience.
The salient features of the new curriculum applicable for Batch 2023 onwards are outlined below.
Semesters 1 and 2 Foundation Courses | Basic courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics, along with courses in computer programming and humanities. The programming and humanities courses continue for the first four semesters (2 years). |
Semester 3 Pre-Majors Courses | Courses in three subjects from Biology, Chemistry, Data Science, Earth Environmental Sustainability Sciences, Physics, and Mathematics. Students choose one of the allowed combinations of 3 subjects in which they credit 6 courses along with a course in humanities and programming. |
Semesters 4 - 10 Major Courses | Advanced courses in one primary discipline (Major subject) along with minors and electives. In Semester 4, students opt for one Major subject in one out of the 10 available streams. | General BS-MS Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics
| i2 BS-MS i2 Biological Sciences i2 Chemical Sciences i2 Data Sciences i2 Earth Environmental and Sustainability Sciences i2 Mathematical Sciences i2 Physical Sciences
| Allotment in each stream is done through a competitive process. |
Semester 8 | Students undertake a mandatory 12-credit project in the Major subject area |
Semesters 9 - 10 | Students continue with their Major project (24 credits), along with advanced, Masters level courses, culminating in the award of a BS-MS degree upon completion. |
The typical Course Structure and Credit Distribution across Semesters 1 - 8

CORE: Compulsory Courses in the Major subject, including Thematic Courses for i2 BSMS streams
DSE: Discipline Specific Electives - Electives in the Major subject
GE: General Electives - Electives in non-major subjects, including a minor subject for general BSMS streams
Credit Requirements to Continuation in the BS-MS program or Exit from the BS-MS program with Qualifications at various levels for the first 4 years. Eligibility for BS-MS degree requires completion of requisite credits and minimum CGPA at the end of 5 years.

CIS: Certificate in Science, DIS: Diploma in Science, BSc (Major Subject) and BS (Major Subject)
CC: Completed Credits, credits of courses completed with Grade D or better.
RC: CC and CGPA Requirement for Continuation in the BS-MS program
RE: CC and CGPA Requirement for Exit from the BS-MS program
* with Minimum Project Grade: C
Note: Credit requirements for RE and RC are subject to further modification.
Refer to the links below for further details.- Students NOT satisfying the requirements for continuation (RC) in the program at any level, but satisfying the requirements for exit (RE) with qualification shall COMPULSORILY exit with the qualification.
- Exit Point Year 1: Students NOT satisfying the minimum requirements for exit (RE) with CIS, are liable to be Removed from the Rolls.
- Exit Points Years 2 – 4: Students NOT satisfying the minimum requirements to obtain a qualification at any level shall remain eligible for the qualification at a previous Exit Point, the minimum requirements of which have been completed.
- For obtaining the CIS, DIS and BSc qualifications, all academic requirements must be completed in a maximum of 2 extra semesters beyond the prescribed duration.
- For obtaining the BS and BS-MS degrees, all academic requirements must be completed in a maximum of 4 extra semesters beyond the prescribed duration.
- Students satisfying the minimum Credit + CGPA requirement for the award of a Qualifications shall remain eligible for the same and may opt to EXIT with the same.
- Students are liable to be Removed from the Rolls under any of the following circumstances:
- Failure to maintain the minimum SGPA of 4.0 in any two consecutive semesters
- Failure to clear any FOUNDATION/CORE course after repeating the same course
- Failure to register for two consecutive semesters without due intimation and approved leave
- A student may also be removed from the rolls as a result of disciplinary action for serious misconduct and/or violation(s) of the code of conduct of the institute.
- All students who COMPULSORILY exit from the program (satisfy RE but not RC) or are removed from the rolls will have the option of appealing to the Academic Senate for reinstatement.
- Students may take courses from MOOCs (NPTEL/SWAYAM) platforms for credit, up to a maximum of 6 credits and only for elective courses not offered by the Institute. The grade for such courses will be recorded as Satisfactory (pass) or Unsatisfactory (fail) as declared by the completion certificate and not contribute towards any calculated grade point averages.
- All students must complete a 12 credit project to be eligible for the BS degree and accrue 36 project credits to be eligible for the BS-MS degree.
- Maximum number of Credits in a Semester:
A student may credit up to a maximum of 2 extra courses above the number of courses prescribed in a particular semester, upon recommendation of the SCUP and approval of the ADoAA. In the case of students with CGPA below 7.0, the recommendation of the Faculty Advisor is also required. Any departure to the above must be recommended by the SCUP & Program Coordinator.
- Minimum number of Credits in a Semester: 15 (± 1) credits
- Students will be given an opportunity to view the evaluated answer scripts before the finalization of grades.
Click here to download the BS-MS guide book of regulations Batch 2023 onwards
- BS-MS guide book of regulations prior to Batch 2023
- Curriculum for Foundation courses (Revised curriculum with effect from 2023 batch onwards)
- Curriculum for Foundation courses (Revised curriculum with effect from 2020 batch onwards)
- BS-MS Full Syllabus (Revised curriculum with effect from 2023 batch onwards)
- BS-MS Full Syllabus ( Revised curriculum with effect from 2020 batch onwards )
- i2 Sciences Programme Brochure
- Hostel Regulations
- Code of Conduct
The National Education Policy 2020 envisages flexible and diverse academic programmes in higher education institutions allowing students to enter and exit each programme at various levels, obtaining commensurate credentials. The two year Master of Science (MS) programme of IISER Thiruvananthapuram is positioned in a manner that it bridges the flagship, five-year BS-MS programme of the institute with the PhD programme. The MS programme will extend the training in science set in a vibrant research environment that is the signature of IISERs to bright undergraduate students selected competitively from across the country. The MS programme is expected to feed into the PhD programme of the institute while encouraging the students to take up further studies that leads to a career in scientific research, development, innovation and teaching.
Program Highlights
The MSc program of IISER TVM is conceived to provide an immersive and flexible learning experience set in a vibrant research environment. Key highlights of the program include:
- Flexible syllabus with electives offered from second semester onwards.Carefully curated core courses with up-to-date content that give a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to the exciting frontiers of modern scientific research.
- Electives can be taken from any of the schools giving the program a strong interdisciplinary character.
- One and two credit modules/short courses integrated into the curriculum that can be taken either to as a refresher to background material or as stand-alone introductions to exciting new frontiers.
- Unique flexibility in choosing the duration of the MSc project ranging from one semester to a year depending on the interest and focus of each student.
- Challenging and diverse learning environment with courses run jointly with the existing BS-MS and Integrated-PhD programs of the institute and students joining from all over the country.
Admission to the MS programme will on national level online screening tests in each subject conducted by IISER TVM. Selection from the candidates shortlisted on the basis of the screening test will be through interviews conducted by the respective schools.
Students admitted to the MS programme will not be eligible for any fellowship from the institute.
Regulations, Guidelines & Course Structure
Click to Download
For regulations applicable to previous years, click here
M.Sc. Programme August 2024 - Portal Closed
Integrated Ph.D. Programme is a research programme. At the end of the successful completion, Master of Science and Ph.D. degree are awarded.
The first three semesters will consist of core and elective courses specialized in one subject (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics). The fourth semester will consist of advanced courses and project work. After the successful completion of comprehensive and project work, the student will continue with research leading to the Ph.D. degree.
- A Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences/Chemical Sciences/ Mathematical Sciences/ Physical Sciences/ Engineering/ Technology and related areas as applicable to individual Schools, under the 10+2+3/4 system.
- Candidates admitted to School of Physics must have a valid score in Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST).
- The minimum requirement for admission to the programme is 55% marks or 6.0 out of 10 CGPA in the Bachelor's degree (as declared by the University).
- Relaxation of eligibility criteria for SC/ST and PD applicants will be made according to Government of India rules.
Selection procedure
Short-listed candidates who have applied for School of Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics will be called for a written test and those short-listed in the written test will appear for interview(s). In the School of Physics, candidates with a valid JEST scorecard will be called for the interview
Duration of the Programme
The maximum duration of the Integrated Ph.D. programme is 14 semesters.
The students will be awarded Institute scholarship of Rs. 10,000/- per month until the successful completion of the coursework and comprehensive examination provided the student maintains a minimum AGPA (annual grade point average) of 6.5.
After clearing the comprehensive examination the studentship will be made equivalent to that of UGC-CSIR JRF/SRF excluding the contingency grant and HRA. The studentship will be paid for a maximum of 14 semesters (including 4 semesters of course work) for each student provided (s)he is in good academic standing.
Fellowship stands automatically terminated at the end of 14 semesters for which the student registered.
For the current fee structure, see the following URL.
Guide Book
Hostel Regulations 2022-23
Code of Conduct
Contact Dean (Academics)
Tel: 0471-2778017
Email: phdprogramme[at]iisertvm[dot]ac[dot]in
For regulations applicable to previous years, click here
Int. Ph.D. Programme August 2024 - Portal Closed
FAQs about the written test/interview
Note that the IISER TVM written test applies only to the School of Chemistry.
- I am shortlisted for the written test for the admission to the Integrated Ph.D. Programme, what documents do I need to carry?
Candidates must bring their printed admit card (both invigilator's and candidate's copy) and a valid photo ID (College ID, Driving license, Aadhaar etc.) - I am shortlisted for the interview for the admission to the Integrated Ph.D. Programme, what documents do I need to carry?
You need to carry the following documents:
- Print out of the online application form
- Printout of the SBI Collect Payment
- All certificates regarding your educational qualification including (X, XII, UG)
- Bachelors degree certificate for completed case or the marksheets of all semesters if not completed
- Qualified national level examination certificate
- Category certificate in case of SC/ST/PwD/OBC-NCL
- Photo ID [PAN card/Voter card/Driving License/CollegeID/Passport]
- Where will the written test/interview be held? Will I be paid for my travel and accommodation expenses for attending the Integrated Ph.D. written test/interview?
Integrated Ph.D. Written text/Interview will be conducted at IISER TVM. Please follow this link for information on different modes of transportation to reach Thiruvananthapuram and directions to IISER TVM. Candidates will not be paid any travel and accommodation expenses.
- What is the examination pattern of the Integrated Ph.D. Programme written test?
The written test for Chemical Sciences will be objective type containing 40 questions. The test will be for 2 hours. - What is the syllabus for the written test?
The syllabus for the written test for Chemical Sciences can be found in the following link.
FAQs about the Integrated Ph.D. Programme
- I am in the final year of Bachelor’s degree. Am I eligible to apply for the Integrated Ph.D. programme?
Yes. Please check the latest advertisement for more details - I am an engineering graduate, am I eligible to apply for the Integrated Ph.D. programme?
Yes. Please check the latest advertisement for more details - I am in my first year of the Master’s degree., am I eligible to apply for the Integrated Ph.D. programme?
Yes. Please check the latest advertisement for more details - I am in the final year of the Master’s degree, am I eligible to apply for the Integrated Ph.D. programme?
No. You may be eligible for the Ph.D. programme. - Is there a part-time Integrated Ph.D. programme at IISER TVM?
No. IISER TVM is a fully residential institute and all the Integrated Ph.D. students are required to reside in the institute for the entire period. - If selected, am I eligible for a fellowship?
Yes. All students admitted to the Integrated Ph.D. programme will receive Rs. 10,000/- as fellowship until the successful completion of the course work. Afterwards, fellowship will be raised to comply with the existing CSIR-UGC norms.
FAQs about the online application
- Can I apply for more than one schools?
Yes, you may apply to a maximum of TWO schools. However, you have to submit two separate application and you will be evaluated separately for each school. - Do I have to apply to each school separately?
Yes, you have to apply each school separately. - Can I submit the Integrated Ph.D. application by post?
No. Only online applications with the required documents are accepted. - What all documents do I need to upload along with the application form?
Click here for the details about the required documents and its properties. - Is there an application fee?
Yes. Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST applicants) for applying to the Integrated Ph.D. Programme. - How do I pay the application fee?
Thorugh SBI Collect Website. - Will I get a confirmation after submitting the application form?
Yes, you will get an automated message informing the same. You will also receive an application number.If you have not received the automated message, it is likely that you have not entered the correct email address. Hence, make sure that you enter the correct email address. You will also be able to access your submitted application(s) if you re-login into the application site.Note that if you did not click the submit button after completing your application, you will not receive any automated message and you will not be able to login and print your application form after the due date is over. So do not forget to click the submit button after completing your applications, otherwise your application will not be considered. - My last semester results have not yet been declared. What to fill in aggregate %/GPA field?
Please fill in the aggregate % or GPA up to the last declared semester results.
IISER Thiruvananthapuram has a vibrant Ph.D. Programme in the areas of Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Interdisciplinary areas. The Institute admitted it’s first batch of doctoral students in August, 2009 and currently has over 150 PhD researchers on its rolls. The Institute hosts modern research facilities that are necessary to conduct scientific research in the 21st Century.
At IISER TVM, Ph.D. Scholars are admitted in 2 sessions each academic year as per the tentative schedule given below.
Session | 1 (Varsha Semester) | 2 (Vasanth Semester) |
Session Starts in | August | January |
Advertisement inviting applications appear during | February-March | September-October |
Dates for Entrance Test/Interview | May (1st Week) | December(1st Week) |
Admission to the Ph.D. Programme
Candidates aspiring to enroll for the Ph.D. Programme at IISER TVM must satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria for applying, as given below:
- Qualify in at least one of the National Level Eligibility Tests or Fellowships (see School specific details below),
- Obtain a minimum of 60% marks (or equivalent) in the Qualifying Degree (Master's Degree or equivalent)
Each School may then use additional criteria to shortlist candidates and invite them to appear for interview and/or written test at IISER TVM. Merely satisfying the minimum eligibility criteria does not automatically entitle a candidate to be called for interview.
National Level Eligibility Tests or Fellowships Acceptable for PhD Admission
School of Biology
ICMR JRF | GATE(Ecology) | |
School of Chemistry
School of Mathematics
School of Physics
Note: Candidates are advised to refer to the relevant Ph.D. Admissions Advertisements? for further details.
Including the course work, the duration of the Ph.D. Programme is approximately 10 semesters.
The monthly fellowship awarded to the PhD scholars is at par with the CSIR-UGC Junior Research Fellowship.
For the current fee structure, see the following URL
Doctoral Committee
Upon joining the Ph.D. Programme, each student is assigned a research supervisor(s). A duly constituted doctoral committee (consisting of the research supervisor(s) and two other members of the IISER faculty) monitors the progress of the course/research work of the scholar and will approve the synopsis of the PhD thesis before submission.
Course work and Comprehensive Examination
Students must credit a minimum of four courses, at 300 level or higher, within the first two years of enrolling for the PhD programme. On successful completion of the course work, the CGPA of the credited courses must be 7.0 or higher.
Further, the scholar must take a comprehensive examination in the area of proposed research work.
Teaching Assistantship
A key feature of the Ph.D. Programme at IISER TVM is that students take part in teaching assistant duties as assigned by the respective schools.
All Ph.D. students must give at least two seminars on their topic of research.
Guide Book
Hostel Regulations 2022-23
Code of Conduct
Dean (Academics), IISER TVM
Tel: 0471-2778017
Email: phdprogramme[at]iisertvm[dot]ac[dot]in
For regulations applicable to previous years, click here
PhD Programme January 2025
Applications are invited for PhD programme starting January 2025.
For more details, visit the Online Application Portal
- I am in the final year of Masters’s degree. Am I eligible to apply for the Ph.D. programme?
Yes. - I am an engineering graduate, am I eligible to apply for the Ph.D. programme?
No. Please check the individual school criteria. - I am in my first year of the Master’s degree., am I eligible to apply for the Ph.D. programme?
No. - Is there a part-time Ph.D. programme at IISER TVM?
No. IISER TVM is a fully residential institute and all the Ph.D. students are required to reside in the institute for the entire period.
- Can I apply for more than one schools?
Yes. However, you will be evaluated separately for each school. - Can I submit the Ph.D. application by post?
No. As prescribed in the advertisement, please fill in the online application with the required documents. - What all documents do I need to upload along with the application form?
Please keep the following documents (in JPG, PNG or GIF formats, 100 dpi and each less than 1MB) before filling the online Ph.D. application form:
- Scanned copy of your recent passport size photograph
- Scanned copy of proof of Date of birth (Birth certificate, X standard certificate or Passport)
- Scanned copy of the proof of XII standard mark sheet
- Scanned copy of national level examination
- Scanned copy of the community (SC/ST) certificate, if applicable.
- Journal number of the payment of the application fee to the PowerJyoti account
- In what format do I need to upload the above documents?
You can upload in JPG, PNG and GIF formats. Maximum size of each document should be 1 MB and 100 DPI - Is there an application fee?
Yes. Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST applicants) for applying to the Ph.D. Programme. - How do I pay the application fee?
Through SBI Collect website. Please note the Journal number, date of remitance and SBI branch number in which the application fee was paid. You need to fill in these in the application form. - Will I get a confirmation after submitting the application form?
Yes, you will get an automated message informing the same. You will also receive an application number. If you have not received the automated message, it is likely that you have not entered the correct email address. Hence, make sure that you enter the correct email address. Also check your spam folder. - My last semester results have not yet been declared. What to fill in aggregate % field?
Please fill in the aggregate % up to the current semester.