  •   BS-MS Programme
  •   M.Sc Programme
  •   I-Ph.D Programme
  •   Ph.D Programme

Foundation Courses

Year 1

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO111Principles of Life[2 1 0 3] 
CHY111Basic Organic & Inorganic Chemistry[2 1 0 3] 
MAT111Introduction to Proofs[2 1 0 3] 
PHY111Mechanics I[2 1 0 3] 
BIO112Biology Lab I[0 0 3 1] 
CHY112Chemistry Lab I[0 0 3 1] 
PHY112Physics Lab I[0 0 3 1] 
IDC111Mathematical Tools I[3 1 0 4] 
IDC112Fundamentals of Programming[0 0 3 1] 
HUM111Communication Skills I[1 0 0 1] 
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO121Principles of Life II[2 1 0 3] 
CHY121Basic Physical Chemistry [3 1 0 4] 
MAT121Matrices and Calculus I[3 1 0 4] 
PHY121Electromagnetism[3 1 0 4] 
BIO122Biology Lab II[0 0 3 1] 
CHY122Chemistry Lab II[0 0 3 1] 
PHY122Physics Lab II[0 0 3 1 
IDC121Mathematical Tools II[2 1 0 3] 
IDC122Numeric Computing[0 0 3 1] 
HUM121Communication Skills II[1 0 0 1] 

Year 2

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO211Principles of Life III[3 1 0 4] 
BIO212Principles of Life IV[3 0 0 3] 
CHY211Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding[3 1 0 4] 
CHY212Basic Organic and Inorganic Chemistry II[3 0 0 3] 
DSC212Mathematical Foundations for Data Science[3 1 0 4] 
DSC211Introduction to AI[3 0 0 3] 
MAT201Calculus and Matrices II[3 1 0 4] 
MAT202Introduction to Probability[3 0 0 3] 
PHY211Thermal and Stat Physics[3 1 0 4] 
PHY212Optics[3 0 0 3] 
IDC212Data Analysis and Visualization[0 0 3 1] 
HUM211Introduction to Economics[1 0 0 1] 
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO221Introduction to Cell Biology and Microbiology3 
CHY221Physical Chemistry I3 
CHY222Chemistry Lab III1 
HUM221Introduction to Sociology1 
IDC221Principles of Spectroscopy3 
IDC222Scientific Computing I1 
MAT221Introduction to Probability3 
PHY221Thermal and Statistical Physics3 
PHY222Experiments in Heat and Thermodynamics1 

Biology Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO311Advanced Microbiology 3 
BIO312Advanced genetics and Genome biology3 
BIO313Physiology 3 
BIO315Advanced Biology lab I3 
BIO317Drug Discovery and Development3 
BIO4102Evolutionary Ecology 3 
BIO4104Cancer Biology 3 
BIO411Developmental Biology3 
BIO4110Cryo-Electron microscopy and 3D image processing for Life sciences3 
BIO4115Synthetic Biology 3 
BIO4118Microbiome & Vaccinology2 
BIO4119Systems Biology Theory3 
BIO412Advanced Biology lab III 3 
BIO4120Biological Spectroscopy & Microscopy3 
BIO4121Human Genetics, Gene Therapy & Personal Genomics3 
BIO4220Bacterial Communication and Pathogenesis2 
BIO4111Biosafety and Regulation 1 
BIO511Major Project Phase-I15 

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO3201Genome Stability3 
BIO321Structural Biology3 
BIO321Structural Biology3 
BIO323Cell Biology3 
BIO324Molecular Biology3 
BIO325Advanced Biology Lab II3 
AOE4201Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine3 
BIO4117Laboratory Animal Sciences3 
BIO4201Advanced Developmental Biology3 
BIO4205Host-pathogen Interactions3 
BIO4207Ecological interactions3 
BIO4208Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine3 
BIO4209Advances in Plant Biology3 
BIO4222Bioimaging and processing2 
BIO450Minor Project (Biology)6 
BIO521Major Project (Biology)15 

Chemistry Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
CHY311Coordination Chemistry3 
CHY312Organic Chemistry Reactions and Mechanisms3 
CHY313Quantum Chemistry3 
CHY314Physical Chemistry- II3 
CHY315Organic Chemistry Lab3 
CHY411Main Group Chemistry3 
CHY412Advanced Organic Chemistry3 
CHY413Chemical and Statistical Thermodynamics3 
CHY414Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics3 
CHY415Physical Chemistry Lab3 
CHY5102Organic Chemistry Modern Organic Synthesis3 
CHY5104Fundamentals of Solution State NMR Spectroscopy3 
CHY5105Chiroptical Spectroscopy2 
CHY5106Heterogeneous Catalysis2 
CHY5117Biophysical Chemistry3 
CHY511Major project- Phase I12 

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
CHY321Organometallic Chemistry3 
CHY322Solid-State Chemistry3 
CHY323Organic Chemistry-Synthetic methods3 
CHY324Theoretical Spectroscopy3 
CHY325Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory3 
CHY5205Name Reactions and Rearrangements-Application in Organic Synthesis2 
CHY4202Catalysis in Organic Synthesis3 
CHY4206Main Group Catalysis2 
CHY4207Bioinorganic Chemistry2 
CHY4208Crystal Engineering2 
CHY4209Soft Matter and Polymers3 
CHY421Instrumental methods for Structure Determination3 
CHY422Physical Organic Chemistry3 
CHY450Minor Project6 
CHY5203Computational Chemistry3 
CHY5208Chemistry of Natural Products2 
CHY5219Introduction to Fuel Cells2 
CHY521Major Project15 

Data Science Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
DSC311Mathematical Statistics4 
DSC312Optimisation Techniques2 
DSC313Discrete Mathematics2 
DSC314/3104Advanced DataStructures4 
DSC315Computer Organisation & Operating System3 
DSC316Machine Learning-I3 
DSC317Data Science Lab-I1 
DSC411/6104Statistical Modelling3 
DSC412/6105Parallel & Distributed Computing3 
DSC413Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence3 
DSC414/6101Artificial Intelligence3 
DSC415Data Analysis & Visualization3 
DSC5101/6103Cloud Computing and Analytics3 

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsDSC3213 
Scientific ComputingDSC3224 
Database Management SystemDSC3233 
Machine Learning-IIDSC3243 
Data Science Lab-IIDSC3252 
Mathematical ModellingMAT32023 
Survival AnalysisDSC41013 
Data Analysis and Decision Making IDSC41023 
Natural Language ProcessingDSC41033 
Deep LearningDSC41043 
Introduction To Internet Of ThingsDSC41053 
AI & Medical ImagingDSC41063 
Big Data AnalyticsDSC4213 
Humans and DataDSC4221 
Minor Project (Data Science)DSC4506 

Mathematics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
MAT311Real Analysis3 
MAT312Theory of Groups and Rings3 
MAT313Linear Algebra3 
MAT314Numerical Analysis3 
MAT315Mathematical Statistics + Lab4 
MAT411Measure Theory3 
MAT412Commutative Algebra3 
MAT413Analysis on Manifolds3 
MAT414Partial Differential Equations3 
I2M4101Applied Stochastic Analysis3 
I2M4102Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations3 
MAT3101Discrete Mathematics2 
MAT3102Optimisation Techniques2 
MAT4112Computional Fluid dynamics3 
MAT4114Hyperbolic Geometry3 
MAT4122Financial Engineering3 
MAT511BSMS Project12 
MAT512Fourier Analysis3 
MAT5126Topics in Linear Algebra3 

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
MAT321Complex Analysis3 
MAT322Fields, Modules and Algebras3 
MAT323General Topology3 
MAT324Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations3 
MAT325Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes3 
DSC4101Survival Analysis3 
MAT4125Some Topics in Euclidean Harmonic Analysis3 
MAT4205Finite Element Methods3 
MAT421Functional Analysis3 
MAT422Algebraic Topology3 
MAT4223Approximation Theory3 
MAT4224Symplectic Geometry and Integrable systems3 
MAT4226Topics in Applied Mathematics3 
MAT423Differential Geometry3 
MAT424Number Theory and Cryptography3 
MAT521Major Project (Maths)15 

Physics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
PHY311Mathematical Methods in Physics3 
PHY312Classical Mechanics3 
PHY314Quantum Mechanics – I3 
PHY315Advanced Physics Lab I3 
AOE4111Material & Device Characterization Techniques3 
AOE5232Atmospheric dynamics and cloud physics3 
PHY411Nuclear Particle Physics3 
PHY4110Experimental Methods3 
PHY4111Material & Device Characterization Techniques3 
PHY412Condensed Matter Physics II3 
PHY4120Semiconductor Physics and Technology3 
PHY413Quantum Mechanics II3 
PHY4130Fluid Mechanics & Transport Phenomena3 
PHY4140Modelling Materials3 
PHY415Advanced Physics Expts Lab – III3 
PHY5123Nanoscale Physics3 
PHY5126Advanced Statistical Physics3 
PHY5128General relativity and cosmology3 
PHY5232Atmospheric dynamics and cloud physics3 
PHY5235Magnetism and Magnetic Materials3 
PHY5236Ultrafast molecular dynamics3 
PHY4150Advanced Physics Expts Lab – III3 
PHY511Major project- Phase I12 
PHY5150Quantum Field Theory II3 

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
PHY321Statistical Mechanics3 
PHY321abIntroduction to Statistical Mechanics2 
PHY322Condensed Matter Physics I3 
PHY323Electrodynamics and Special Theory of Relativity3 
PHY325Advanced Physics Experiments II3 
PHY4217Quantum Information Theory3 
PHY4218Nonlinear Dynamics3 
PHY4219Electrochemical Energy Systems3 
PHY4222Introduction to Atmospheric Science3 
AOE4211Materials Growth and Processing Techniques3 
AOE4222Introduction to Atmospheric Science3 
AOE5101Digital Image Processing3 
PHY4204Nonlinear Optics and Photonics3 
PHY421Numerical Methods3 
PHY4211Materials Growth and Processing Techniques3 
PHY422Atomic and Molecular Physics3 
PHY4235Optoelectronic Devices3 
PHY4236Thermal Transport & Thermoelectrics3 
PHY4238Machine Learning for Physical Sciences3 
PHY450Minor Project (Physics)6 
PHY5101Digital Image Processing3 
PHY5209Particle Physics3 
PHY5213Quantum Field Theory I3 
PHY5215Quantum transport3 
PHY5229Quantum Many-body Theory3 
PHY5231Solar Physics3 
PHY521Major Project (Physics)15 

Year 1

Biology Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO3201Genome Stability3 
MSB321Structural Biology3 
MSB323Cell Biology3 
MSB324Molecular Biology3 
MSB325Advanced Biology Lab II3 

Chemistry Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
CHY3202Solid-State Chemistry3 
CHY5205Name Reactions and Rearrangements-Application in Organic Synthesis2 
MSC321Organometallic Chemistry3 
MSC323Organic Chemistry-Synthetic methods3 
MSC324Theoretical Spectroscopy3 
MSC325Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory3 
MSC421Instrumental methods for Structure Determination3 

Mathematics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
DSC3202Scientific Computing3 
MAT3202Mathematical Modelling3 
MSM321Complex Analysis3 
MSM322Fields, Modules and Algebras3 
MSM323General Topology3 
MSM324Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations3 
MSM325Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes3 

Physics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
MSP321Statistical Mechanics3 
MSP322Condensed Matter Physics I3 
MSP323Electrodynamics and Special Theory of Relativity3 
MSP325Advanced Physics Experiments II3 
PHY4204Nonlinear Optics and Photonics3 
PHY4217Quantum Information Theory3 
PHY4218Nonlinear Dynamics3 
PHY4219Electrochemical Energy Systems3 
PHY4222Introduction to Atmospheric Science3 

Year 2

Biology Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
AOE4201Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine3 
BIO4117Laboratory Animal Sciences3 
BIO4201Advanced Developmental Biology3 
BIO4205Host-pathogen Interactions3 
BIO4207Ecological interactions3 
BIO4208Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine3 
BIO4209Advances in Plant Biology3 

Chemistry Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
CHY4202Catalysis in Organic Synthesis3 
CHY4206Main Group Catalysis2 
CHY4207Bioinorganic Chemistry2 
CHY4208Crystal Engineering2 
CHY5203Computational Chemistry3 
CHY5208Chemistry of Natural Products2 
CHY5219Introduction to Fuel Cells2 
MSC422Physical Organic Chemistry3 

Mathematics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
DSC4101Survival Analysis3 
MAT4125Some Topics in Euclidean Harmonic Analysis3 
MAT4201Variational Methods and Control Theory3 
MAT4202High Performance Computing3 
MAT4204Topics in Applied Mathematics3 
MAT4205Finite Element Methods3 
MAT4212Algebraic Topology3 
MAT4214Number Theory and Cryptography3 
MAT4223Approximation Theory3 
MAT4224Symplectic Geometry and Integrable systems3 
MAT4226Topics in Applied Mathematics3 
MSM421Functional Analysis3 
MSM423Differential Geometry3 

Physics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
AOE4211Materials Growth and Processing Techniques3 
AOE4222Introduction to Atmospheric Science3 
AOE5101Digital Image Processing3 
PHY4204Nonlinear Optics and Photonics3 
PHY4210Numerical Methods3 
PHY4211Materials Growth and Processing Techniques3 
PHY4217Quantum Information Theory3 
PHY4218Nonlinear Dynamics3 
PHY4219Electrochemical Energy Systems3 
PHY4220Atomic and Molecular Physics3 
PHY4222Introduction to Atmospheric Science3 
PHY4235Optoelectronic Devices3 
PHY4236Thermal Transport & Thermoelectrics3 
PHY4238Machine Learning for Physical Sciences3 
PHY5101Digital Image Processing3 
PHY5209Particle Physics3 
PHY5213Quantum Field Theory I3 
PHY5215Quantum transport3 
PHY5229Quantum Many-body Theory3 
PHY5231Solar Physics3 

Year 1

Biology Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO3201Genome Stability3 
MSB321Structural Biology3 
MSB323Cell Biology3 
MSB324Molecular Biology3 
MSB325Advanced Biology Lab II3 

Chemistry Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
CHY322Solid-State Chemistry3 
CHY5205Name Reactions and Rearrangements-Application in Organic Synthesis2 
MSC321Organometallic Chemistry3 
MSC323Organic Chemistry-Synthetic methods3 
MSC324Theoretical Spectroscopy3 
MSC325Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory3 

Mathematics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
DSC3202Scientific Computing3 
MAT3202Mathematical Modelling3 
MSM321Complex Analysis3 
MSM322Fields, Modules and Algebras3 
MSM323General Topology3 
MSM324Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations3 
MSM325Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes3 

Physics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
MSP321Statistical Mechanics3 
MSP322Condensed Matter Physics I3 
MSP323Electrodynamics and Special Theory of Relativity3 
MSP325Advanced Physics Experiments II3 
PHY4204Nonlinear Optics and Photonics3 
PHY4217Quantum Information Theory3 
PHY4218Nonlinear Dynamics3 
PHY4219Electrochemical Energy Systems3 
PHY4222Introduction to Atmospheric Science3 

Year 2

Biology Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO4117Laboratory Animal Sciences3 
BIO420Research Work(Biology)6 
BIO4201Advanced Developmental Biology3 
BIO4205Host-pathogen Interactions3 
BIO4207Ecological interactions3 
BIO4208Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine3 
BIO4209Advances in Plant Biology3 

Chemistry Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
CHY4202Catalysis in Organic Synthesis3 
CHY4206Main Group Catalysis2 
CHY4207Bioinorganic Chemistry2 
CHY4208Crystal Engineering2 
CHY421Instrumental methods for Structure Determination3 
CHY425Research Work(Chemistry)6 
CHY5203Computational Chemistry3 
CHY5208Chemistry of Natural Products2 
CHY5219Introduction to Fuel Cells2 
MSC422Physical Organic Chemistry3 

Mathematics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
DSC4101Survival Analysis3 
MAT4125Some Topics in Euclidean Harmonic Analysis3 
MAT4201Variational Methods and Control Theory3 
MAT4202High Performance Computing3 
MAT4204Topics in Applied Mathematics3 
MAT4205Finite Element Methods3 
MAT422Algebraic Topology3 
MAT4223Approximation Theory3 
MAT4224Symplectic Geometry and Integrable systems3 
MAT4226Topics in Applied Mathematics3 
MAT424Number Theory and Cryptography3 
MSM421Functional Analysis3 
MSM423Differential Geometry3 

Physics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
PHY420Research Work(Physics)6 
PHY4204Nonlinear Optics and Photonics3 
PHY4210Numerical Methods3 
PHY4211Materials Growth and Processing Techniques3 
PHY4217Quantum Information Theory3 
PHY4218Nonlinear Dynamics3 
PHY4219Electrochemical Energy Systems3 
PHY4220Atomic and Molecular Physics3 
PHY4222Introduction to Atmospheric Science3 
PHY4235Optoelectronic Devices3 
PHY4236Thermal Transport & Thermoelectrics3 
PHY4238Machine Learning for Physical Sciences3 
PHY5101Digital Image Processing3 
PHY5209Particle Physics3 
PHY5213Quantum Field Theory I3 
PHY5215Quantum transport3 
PHY5229Quantum Many-body Theory3 
PHY5231Solar Physics3 

Biology Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
BIO6117Laboratory Animal Sciences3 
BIO620Research Methodology0 
BIO6201Advanced Developmental Biology3 
BIO6205Host-pathogen Interactions3 
BIO6207Ecological interactions3 
BIO6208Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine3 
BIO6209Advances in Plant Biology3 
BIO621Structural Biology3 
BIO6218Genome Stability3 
BIO623Cell Biology3 
BIO624Molecular Biology3 

Chemistry Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
CHY617Instrumental methods for Structure Determination3 
CHY6206Main Group Catalysis2 
CHY6207Bioinorganic Chemistry2 
CHY6208Crystal Engineering2 
CHY621Organometallic Chemistry3 
CHY622Solid-State Chemistry3 
CHY624Theoretical Spectroscopy3 
CHY626Physical Organic Chemistry3 

Mathematics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
MAT6125Some Topics in Euclidean Harmonic Analysis3 
MAT620Research Methodology0 
MAT6201Topics in Analysis II3 
MAT6202Topics in Algebra II3 
MAT6203Differential Geometry3 
MAT6204Topics in Applied Mathematics3 
MAT6205Finite Element Methods3 
MAT6223Approximation Theory3 
MAT6224Symplectic Geometry and Integrable systems3 

Physics Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsLecturer
PHY3210Statistical Mechanics3 
PHY3220Condensed Matter Physics I3 
PHY3240Electrodynamics and Special Theory of Relativity3 
PHY6101Digital Image Processing3 
PHY620Research Methodology0 
PHY6204Nonlinear Optics and Photonics3 
PHY6209Particle Physics3 
PHY6210Numerical Methods3 
PHY6211Materials Growth and Processing Techniques3 
PHY6213Quantum Field Theory I3 
PHY6215Quantum transport3 
PHY6217Quantum Information Theory3 
PHY6218Nonlinear Dynamics3 
PHY6219Electrochemical Energy Systems3 
PHY6220Atomic and Molecular Physics3 
PHY6229Quantum Many-body Theory3 
PHY6231Solar Physics3